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What do you think? Is Thor ‘Gay as Hell’ as Fans Claim? You be the judge ...
At one point in the film’s trailer, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) is seen staring –or, at least he’s trying to — into the eyes of Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), which caused some fans to question Thor’s sexuality on Twitter:
'While fans speculate about Thor’s sexuality in the upcoming film, it is no secret that today’s entertainment has been inundated with LGBTQIA2S+ content in recent years.
In 2020, Lifetime has announced it would release its first-ever Christmas movie featuring a gay couple as the film’s lead. That same year, Disney-owned Pixar Animation Studios unveiled its first-ever gay main character in a short Disney Plus film called Out.
Last year, Disney put the “proud” in its The Proud Family kids show with a woke reboot of the popular series that featured gay fathers.
In March, a gay kiss was restored to the final cut of Pixar’s upcoming animated film Lightyear after LGBTQIA2S+ employees and their allies complained that Disney executives had censored “overtly gay affection” in the company’s films.'