As a matter of professional courtesy, I don't pre-primary endorse any candidates. I believe it's up to you 'the voter' to decide. My best pre-primary efforts are to provide a platform for candidates and their supporters to educate and inform their future constituents, as well as offer my opinions while inviting yours at (843) 721 TALK (8255). Also, do not live in SC01 so literally don't have a vote in this particular race.
That being said, I believe the 'winner' of Monday night's CCRP debate was Lynz Piper Loomis, who ended her campaign ceding her support to Katy Arrington because in her words (see video below) "it was time to unify."
SC U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace supporters are calling this a 'stunt', Arrington supporters are saying it was 'classy.' I think it's a 'necessity' as South Carolina still has open primaries - where anyone jump across the isle and affect political change. Closing our primary process in SC needs to be 'next on the agenda' of shoring up the integrity of elections here in the Palmetto state.
Despite Loomis' endorsement, I believe both Mace + Arrington had incredibly strong hits, and both some misses. Those hot takes, along with your calls are highlighted, in part, on-demand in today's post show podcast.
Thank you for listening and there's so much more coverage to come so stay tuned!
LIVE: Republican Primary candidates for the 1st Congressional District debate at Burke High School
I'd encourage you to watch, listen and educate yourselves below on demand as voters head to the polls June 14th.