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Only here on 94.3 WSC and The Kelly Golden Show will you hear SC US Senator Tim Scott's first reaction to what Project Veritas Action calls: a 'Leaked Call With Prison Inmate Reveals SC Democrat State Rep & Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews Calling For "Secret Sleepers" to Infiltrate SC GOP; Advocates For ILLEGALLY Funding Campaign with "Dope Money"
Senator Scott said:
"I haven't heard it, but I will say this that there's no doubt in South Carolina ... " (cont. below)
SC US Senator Scott:
"...hopefully this red wave continues around the country. People know that they can't win in South Carolina unless they are Republican. So, we have to be very careful in vetting our candidates through the Primary process. And, frankly, after you're elected - we should know how you vote. And, we want people of the GOP, the 'grand opportunity party', to reflect the values and the voting records that's consistent with our party and that's one of the ways we find a way to purge those folks who are finding ways to just pretend camouflage ... camouflage candidates should not be a part of our team."
Matthew's is not only running to keep her SC House 117 seat, but is also attempting to win the Democratic ticket to compete against Sen. Scott in November.
Her SC GOP House 117 challenger, Jordan Pace, tells talk host Kelly Golden live on 94.3 WSC:
"This is a pattern with's been a long string of heinous statements since she was elected."
When asked 'where this goes from here' regarding an investigation or potential 'charges', Pace said:
"So, I'm not an attorney, but, I do know SC's political structures pretty well...the Attorney General could launch an investigation much like he did with former Speaker Bobby Harrell. However, the most likely scenario is ... somebody might make an ethics complaint to the Ethics Commission, who would then, if they found merit to it, refer it to the House Ethics Committee."
Tom Fernandez, Berkeley County voter and Attorney said on Facebook:
"I'm calling for BERKELEY COUNTY HOUSE REP Krystle Matthews for SC House of SC House District 117, and currently running against Senator Tim Scott to RESIGN NOW."
Yvonne Julian for SC House District 25 said:
"I want to be the first South Carolinian in the political arena to denounce the the behavior that a person Project Veritas reports to be SC Representative and US Senate Candidate Krystle Matthews for SC House (DEM)is recommending in a conversation with a prison inmate. I am speechless after hearing talk about getting #secretsleepers into the South Carolina Republican Party and #dopemoney for political contributions."
Matthew's supporters like Felisha Carina are also flooding social feeds in light of the video now gone viral:
"...big Pharma money IS dope money ..."
SC Attorney General Alan Wilson was live as well on The Kelly Golden Show, hearing the breaking news for the first time. Check back live tomorrow 6-9 a.m. on 94.3 WSC for more of his comments to come on Tuesday's show, along with the post show podcast here.
Sen. Scott meanwhile, is in town hosting a noon 'Road to the Run-off Rally with Tim Scott' at the Summerville Country Club for Ellen Weaver, who Scott endorsed for State Superintendent of Education live on 94.3 WSC:
"I will tell you that after a decade plus of knowing Ellen she is a fantastic person. Her integrity is impeccable. Her vision for education is undeniable and her passion centers on the child in the classroom and not the structure around it. (more audio here) "
Weaver's GOP competitor Kathy Maness also took time to " target="_blank">debunk what she's dubbed 'half-truths' and 'dis-information'. Take a listen to her full on-demand interview here now.
And, don't forget to get to the polls, 7 am to 7 pm Tuesday, June 28th. Thanks for listening!