Kelly Golden

Kelly Golden

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UPDATED: Click to keep boys out of girls sports

Deadline for public comment is Sept. 12th. Click to act nowPhoto: Mom's For Liberty

TAKE ACTION: submit a public comment here

Mom's for Liberty Berkeley County Chapter joined 94.3 WSC sounding the alarm bells on a quick and quiet change to Title 9 happening now through the Biden Administration that could put boys back in girls sports, overriding state laws, and essentially mandate a gender affirming enforcement arm of public schools, against anti-woke kids and their parents. Take a listen:

Deadline for public comment is Sept. 12th. Click here to act now!

Former BCSD school board member Anne Condor called into 'The Kelly Golden Show' suggesting these tips in 'vetting' any potential board candidates on your November ballot: (per her own words)

" If they deny there is sexually explicit materials in the schools, don't support those candidates
--If they tell you CRT is a curriculum and not being taught in our schools, don't support or vote for them
--If they are willing to accept Federal dollars (always strings attached to the money, i.e.Title 9 and Esser 3) don't vote for them
--If they believe in Restorative justice or practices, don't vote for that candidate
--If they are soft on safety issues, don't vote for them
--If they place more emphasis on teacher needs and less on parental rights/student needs, don't vote for them
--If they believe in quarantining, mask mandates and virtual classrooms, don't vote for them
--If they don't support Ellen Weaver as our future State School Superintendent, don't vote for them. "

Below is a complete list of BCGOP's endorsed slate of board candidates ahead of November elections.

For Immediate Release: 8/29/2022

Berkeley County Republican Party - Victoria Cowart, Chair Text # 803.988.7184

Berkeley County Republican Party Endorses Full Slate in Berkeley County School Board Races

Local county party engages in critical, local school board races Berkeley County, SC: Today the Berkeley County Republican Party officially announces the endorsement of a slate of candidates for the eight races to fill the Berkeley County School Board this November. With the passage into law of S910, the Berkeley County School Board races have been simplified—with the overlaying of the County Council Districts. This overlay brings clarity for the voters and an opportunity to take another look at those currently holding seats and those running to serve on the Board.

Whether you have children or grandchildren in this district, or not, these school board races are incredibly important. The work the Board Members do in the administration of the schools in Berkeley County gives the Board Members significant opportunities to impact the quality of education and the finances of all county residents.

These fiscally conservative, children-centric candidates with diverse backgrounds and expertise are needed for this work, can be relied upon, and will be Board Members of whom you can be proud!

District 1: Michael Ramsey is a dedicated father and conservative member of the School Board for 6 years. He is a graduate of the Citadel and a Berkeley County employee. Michael is deeply committed to his Hanahan community and possesses strong Christian values. He coaches baseball and has two boys attending Berkeley County schools. Michael Ramsey is a Berkeley County parent and leader who understands the needs of Berkeley County families.

District 2: Mac McQuillin is a dedicated husband and father, local lawyer with a successful lowcounty law firm, and a resident of Daniel Island. He has served the Board for 8 years and is a proven fiscal conservative. During Mac’s tenure, he was part of the team that lead the turnaround of the School District. Mac can be relied upon to make sound decisions for the Berkeley County community.

District 3: Joe Baker would be a new member to the School Board and would offer positive input and knowledge. He is a Citadel graduate and a young, Christian, family man with two young children entering the Berkeley County school system. He is an engineer with valuable knowledge and experience to offer the Board. Joe’s values will be the foundation of good choices for children and parents in the county.

District 4: Kathy Littleton, a member of the School Board for 4 years now, is a credentialed and devoted mental health professional and local leader in her field. During Covid she witnessed firsthand the mental struggles of our youth and worked hard to advocate for School District policies that would increase our children’s well-being both mentally and emotionally. She understands childhood development issues and brings with her valuable knowledge and insights.

District 5: Dr. Jimmy Hinson, a former member of the School Board, holds a doctorate in education and has a diverse background in many areas. He is a former educator, administrator, and teacher, and he has served as a judge in Berkeley County as well. With a diverse background including being a General Contractor, he understands construction, capital projects, and budget issues which will be invaluable as a Member of the Board. Dr. Hinson is committed to placing the needs of the children above all else.

District 6: Sally Wofford, a veteran Board Member of 8 years, holds an engineering degree and has two children in the Berkeley County schools. She has served as a strong and creative leader--and was one of the most successful Chairs the School Board has seen. She was instrumental in earning the District a healthy bond rating and fund balance. Sally is a strong Christian conservative and applies those values in her service to the children and parents in our school district.

District 7: Dr. Chris Hanley, a conservative Christian leader, chose Berkeley County as his home 10 years ago after having served in the military as a surgeon and MD. His service included many war-torn areas throughout the world. He is an experienced educator and is currently serving as a youth pastor. He is a proud parent and grandparent which gives rise to his desire to further his service to the children and parents of the county.

District 8: Michael Hemphill, a husband, father, and grandfather, is a military veteran of 25 years. He holds degrees in Education and electro/mechanical engineering. He is an advocate of career development in a variety of technical fields and believes the school system has over emphasized a 4-year college education and created a need gap for graduates who prepared to meet the technical demands of the workforce. He will advocate for programs to help fill that gap and will promote fiscal responsibility in the process.

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