Former Mount Pleasant Police Chief Carl Richie calls for his political opponent Col. Greg Kitchens to 'drop out' of their current run-off race on the GOP ticket for Sheriff of Charleston County live on a Monday edition of 'Charleston's Morning News' on 94.3 WSC.
"He's not fit to run ... for the Charleston County Sheriff's Office. Our citizens need to recognize that ... voters need to recognize that."
Richie continued, referencing recent news surfacing of a former lawsuit involving his primary run-off opponent, who was previously sued over an alleged beating of suspect when Kitchens was a Charleston County Sheriff’s deputy back in 1995. click for more
"There's just no way that he's going to be able to win on this ballot with this type of thing out there ... and quite frankly ... he needs to step away and withdraw from this runoff so we can get the right candidate in place so we CAN beat the incumbent in November."
Take a listen to the entire interview here that starts at 5 min. 20 sec. mark:
The Greg Kitchens for Sheriff campaign issued this statement in immediate response:
"Colonel Kitchens is a principled leader with a long track record of leadership excellence and he enjoys a solid reputation for his citizenship here in the low country. The voters of Charleston County chose Col. Kitchens on June 11th and will again chose his vision to transform Charleston County Sheriffs office into the finest law enforcement agency in South Carolina on June 25th.
Our second place opponent demanding us to drop out of the race seems desperate and out of touch. His suggestion to do so is a slap in the face to the voters who chose Col. Kitchens, not to mention to Captain Rick Keys who finished 3rd place and endorsed the Colonel this past Friday. Acts of desperation aren’t what we need from our elected officials.
The voters of Charleston County know that and will choose Colonel Kitchens’ vision of transforming the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office into something great. Greg Kitchens has strong backing from local law enforcement and remains the best candidate to unseat the incumbent this November." - Greg Kitchens for Sheriff
Take a listen to Kitchen's entire response in-studio on 94.3 WSC:
Early voting in the Charleston Republican Primary Run-Off race for Sheriff is Wed. June 19-21st. In-person voting is Tuesday, June 25.