Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images
Divine vs. Divide, We're Here!
From the 'Millimeter Miracle' (full speech here) to the timing 45 was shot at 6:11 (Ephesians), how could anyone deny miracles do happen? Take a listen:
My immediate instinct to the J13 breaking news out of Trump's Penn. rally was to 'pull over' on the side of the road AND PRAY. Here's a look:
SC US Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) delivered a powerful speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) @gop this week in which he compared former President Trump to a lion climbing back to his feet following the failed assassination attempt on his life.
“Are you ready for 4 more years of Donald Trump?” Tim Scott asked the crowd, who enthusiastically responded.
“If you didn’t believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing right now,” he said. “Thank God almighty that we live in a country that still believes in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega. And our God - Our God! - still saves. He still delivers and he still sets free. Because on Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle, but an American lion got back up on his feet, and he roared! He roared!”
The crowd went wild.
RELATED: SC Lowcountry Lawmaker reaction to Attempted Trump Ass. Calling for ‘Unity, Peace’
‘We need to unite as Americans’ - SC Rep. Matt Leber
Dorchester GOP Chair Stephen Wright response
SC Lowcountry Rep.Kathy Landing: ‘There are no words for the level of disgust and horror that anyone would do this. Please pray for the family of this person who lost his life for no reason whatsoever.’
‘Our prayers go up for President Trump and his family.. While the news indicates he will be okay, it is absolutely abhorrent that anyone would take their frustration or anger about politics to this deadly level. Our country needs to seriously tone down the rhetoric and hyperbole, and recognize that we are all Americans. We may disagree on how to solve our problems, but shooting at our political foes is absolutely horrific, no matter where you stand. We also pray for the people attending the rally in the crowd, because we still don't know if one or more people were badly or fatally wounded. Please join us in prayers for our nation. The tyrant is the person who thinks that anyone has the right to shoot at an unarmed person, regardless of their position. God bless the USA!!
*Update: Seconds after posting this, we have now learned that at least one attendee of the rally was killed. The coward that fired these shots missed his mark, but killed another innocent person. There are no words for the level of disgust and horror that anyone would do this. Please pray for the family of this person who lost his life for no reason whatsoever.’