Charleston Animal Society's CEO Joe Elmore joins us on a 'Tell Me Something Good Tuesday' powered by Hawk Law on 94.3 WSC, to debate the ongoing carriage horse feud with talk host Kelly Golden, who is a supporter of the CAS -and- the Carriage Horse industry in Charleston.
94.3 WSC's been working to harness everyone's passion for animals by bringing awareness to actual horse abuse and neglect and to the ever growing problem of what to do with the unwanted horse population created by the racing industry, even the Amish. Click those green links to listen to past shows that go more in depth on those issues.
Check out below podcast and let us know in the comments if you think we're any steps closer to seeing this feud end any time soon.
Above, Old South Carriage Company, Palmetto and Charleston Carriage Works all came together asking for highway signs to come down. Below, a post using the hastag #JustSayNeigh on Twitter.
Photo: Getty Images